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Sep 12, 2009

Lots of Emotions

Today, I had a lot of emotions: anger, happiness, and sadness... It was quite an enjoyable day at some points, and not so much at others.

It started with me getting to sleep in.... WHICH FELT GREAT! I was exhausted last night... And then my mom made me go to my sister's soccer game (where I played a video game, didn't pay any attention to the game, and listened as my parents watched my sister kick the ball 3 or 4 times in an hour and a half time period).... I get to go to her soccer games every Saturday. LUCKY ME!! /sarcastic voice ;)

Sooo.... then we got home in time for lunch... I was making good, tasty Ramen for lunch when I continued to hear my sister complain... Okay, I'm going to do a little venting here:

My sister is a brat. She doesn't know when to get over the fact that not everything is going to be the exact and perfect way she wants it. And when she doesn't get it the way she wants it, she gets a sound in her voice that is worse than scratching a blackboard. I ABSOLUTELY HATE THAT SOUND.... and, listening to it more than 3 times in the period of a minute absolutely drives me nut...

Before I go into detail, let me tell you that I am a very passive person. I go with the flow, do what I'm told (usually) ;) and very rarely lose my cool. I do not yell at anyone unless the are bugging the living **** out of me. And, when I yell at someone, I YELL at them. I can see the fear in their eyes... usually... because they almost never see me act like that.

Anyways... I was making Ramen and I heard my sister complaining to my mom when she didn't get the littlest things she wanted right. I wanted to smack the girl... I hate the noise she makes when she complains. (Did I mention that already?) ;)

So, I'm sure most of you know how it's going to turn out: I swiftly turn around as she's unloading on my mother about how mom didn't put her water in the right water bottle. And, I let it rip. My mom pretty much instantly moved out of the way, and I gave my sister heck...

We went at it for a good minute... I did most of the yelling... And, my sister, OF COURSE, has to tell me how it's none of my business (I roll my eyes at this to the point where they almost ache) and that I'm using a mean tone in my voice (as she's screaming at me as well). When I've given my sister enough to the point where I possibly can without getting in trouble, I stop. My mom waited a few seconds for the dust to settle and she says "Chris, make your Ramen and Caroline, turn the opposite direction"...

That's the way it usually ends. I look good, but not good enough for my mom to stand up to my sister and tell her how I was right for telling her off like that (which, I firmly believe my mom does believe)... So, I made my Ramen as I took some deep and angry sighs.... But, I was not about to let it go....

So, after lunch, my dad and I went out for a round of golf. On the way there, I told him my opinion. I was very vocal about it and I was hot about it. And, I think I finally got through to him that he and my mom need to do something about it. I think he found some of the things I had to say pretty interesting and I provided some good solutions to the problem. And, I basically let off some extreme steam (with me being the very heated furnace)... And, he told me that he would talk to my mom about the problem and then my sister about her behavior and hopefully finally have a solution... THANK YOU!!

So, soon after our conversation, we reached the golf course. We practiced for a 30-45 minutes... We got out onto the course and played with two other guys. I had a great game of golf. Possibly the best game of golf I've ever played. Seriously, I think I may have beaten one of the guys we played with (which I NEVER do). And it felt good. I think I was in such a good mood after finally getting the answer from my dad that I wanted, regarding my sister. And, it felt great to get away from a place I didn't want to be at the moment. Plus, I'd been practicing...

That left me in a great mood and we talked about how great we played on the way home =)

And, we got home to sadly discover that our dear friend Blooming Flowers had passed away after becoming very ill in the last week. Janet was a huge friend to me (as she was to most of us) and I was extremely sad to hear that she had passed.

I remember just being in the chat room with her just a little over a week ago. It's scary to know that things can happen that quickly! Her tribute page is quickly filling up with comments from everyone (including me) and it is very obvious she had a lot of friends on AQ!

She will deeply be missed! Please take some time to pay your respects to Janet on her tribute page (link above).

So, like I said, there were a lot of different emotions for me today... And, with that, I have to leave for a barbeque with our neighbors across the street! =)


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sounds like a day for that hot tub!