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Sep 29, 2009

I can't take it anymore!!


I can't freakin' take it anymore... I am so sick of my brat of a sister Caroline....

She has driven me into a new lane of annoyance. She will not stop whining! I CANNOT TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!!!!!

Some of you may remember my post a few weeks ago that contained some information about a fight we had. And, just like I did that day, I lost it today too...

I had asked her a simple question and she blows up on me. And, I blew up on her. My mom luckily calmed us down before we got into it too badly... She threatened to send us both to our rooms. I hollered back, "Good, because I'm already going there. I can't take this brat anymore."

I ran upstairs with my binder, huge textbook, and the laptop and closed my door, hoping to get some freakin' peace from the girl...... I was just hoping for a few seconds she would shut up and get over her huge self impression of "look at me, I'm miss perfect!"......

.....And yes, I did get a few seconds here and there... (And those seconds were heaven!) But, the rest of the freakin' time I had to listen to her moan and groan and whine and yell at my mom about her homework... (If I were my mom, I would have slapped the b#&$@ across the face by that point)... After listening to TEN FREAKIN' MINUTES of the constant whine in her voice (which, I'm not sure if I've mentioned I HATE enough), I finally put down my pencil, ran to my door, opened it and screamed in just about the loudest voice I ever have produced "CAROLINE!!! CUT THE WHINE OUT OF YOUR VOICE!!!! I'M FREAKIN' TIRED OF LISTENING TO IT!!!"

....and something along the lines of essentially "shut up already!"

I'm tellin' ya what folks... I'm just about ready to explode...

Oh, and you'll LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE this: She then spent the next five minutes whining about how she's sick of me...

Ohhhhhhh..... myyyyyyyyy...... goshhhhhhhhhhhhh.... Are you kidding me?

Okay... Done venting... *sigh*.......


P.S. Yes, it is a good night for that hot tub! ;)


ipsquibibble said...

"She has driven me into a new lane of annoyance. "

This is the best sentence I've read all week. Hope you don't mind if I steal it from you. :)

And I hear you with the whining- you just described the relationship between my two kids to a tee. If it makes you feel any better, it probably exhausts your mom too.

Unknown said...

My brother used to beat a punching bag my dad hung up for him. I hadn't thought that it might be there so he wouldn't beat the stuffin' out of me, but it probably was! LOL! I never whined, but, boy, could I nag!

He's a martial arts instructor now if that tells you anything.